Baby’s Developmental Milestones: 4 Months Jun 24 , 2024

At this stage, your baby is ready for fun and some kinds of social interaction with you or anyone else. So be prepared for more amazing milestones and lots of laughter in the coming weeks!

Here’s what you could look forward to with your 4 months old baby:

  • Social Milestones

Smiles on his/her own, looks at you, or makes sounds to get your attention

Chuckles but not yet a laugh when you try to make your baby laugh

Reacts unhappily if you take his/her toy away

  • Communication Milestones

Make sounds with more vowel and consonant combos

Makes sounds as response when you talk to him/her

Turns head toward your voice

  • Cognitive Milestones

Opens mouth toward breast or bottle if hungry

Looks at his/her hands with interest

Mesmerized by his/her own feet

  • Physical Development Milestones

Keeps his/her head level when you are holding him

Holds the toy when you put it in your baby’s hand

Raises up on his/her arms when on tummy

Rolls over



