Baby’s Developmental Milestones: 2 Months Jun 17 , 2024

Baby’s developmental milestones are things that most children can do by a certain age. The way your baby learns, speaks, and moves provides important clues about your child’s development.

During this first development stage, your baby’s body and brain are learning to live in the outside world. Here are the developmental milestones of your baby between birth and two months:

  • Emotional Milestones

Calms down when spoken to

Looks at your face

Seems happy to see you

Smiles when you talk to or smile at her

  • Communication Milestones

Makes sounds other than crying

Reacts to loud sounds

  • Cognitive Milestones

Follows light, faces, objects

Looks at toys for a few seconds

Recognizes familiar voices, especially of parents

Smiles in response to others

  • Physical Development Milestones

Lifts head when on tummy

Moves both arms and legs

Opens hands

Holds and then drops objects

Active leg movements



