3 Exercises for Your Baby May 28 , 2024

Exercise can keep babies healthy, build their strength and improve their immune system. It also helps keep them happy, encourages better sleep and lessens fussiness. Here are some suitable exercises that can help baby reach strength goals in their first year.


Tummy Time

You can start giving baby tummy time as early as the first week. Put your child face-down on their stomachs while they're awake and play with him for a few minutes two to three times a day. It's one of the best ways to help babies strengthen their neck and shoulder muscles.


Toe to Ear

This fun exercise helps to strengthen baby’s leg muscles. It’s best for babies age 5 months and up. While baby is on their back, straighten their legs as much as you can. Then, slowly and gently bring your baby’s big toe to the ear of the other side, repeat 3 to 5 times on each side.



Bicycling babies’ legs is not only a method for pushing air out of their system, but also a way to build baby's leg, hip, and ab strength. Put your baby on his back and gently circle their legs around as if he were pedaling a bicycle.



