Aiwibi Honored with Parents' Picks Awards 2024
We're thrilled to announce that Aiwibi has been awarded the prestigious Parents' Picks Awards 2...
Aiwibi Brings Joy to Dominican Children: Partnership with Hospital and Supermarket
On the occasion of the New Year 2024, Aiwibi Dominican Republic, in collaboration with the renow...
A Heartwarming Initiative: Sunway and Aiwibi Show Love for Children
On June 1st, 2022, International Children's Day, Sunway Shop and Aiwibi joined hands to spread jo...
Aiwibi Teams Up with Generous Donors to Provide Relief Supplies to Earthquake-Affected Regions in Turkey and Syria
Following the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, Aiwibi joined forces with generous don...
Aiwibi Makes a Difference: Improving Sanitation in Bhutanese Schools
On World Toilet Day 2023, Aiwibi Bhutan Branch, a subsidiary of the global Aiwibi Group, made a s...
Aiwibi Rallies for Mauritius: Diapers for Disaster Relief
在毛里求斯遭受严重飓风袭击后,Aiwibi 迅速反应并做出了针对性的决策。我们意识到急需基本物资,因此发起了一场独特的社交媒体活动,旨在为受灾民众提供重要救济。随着帖子的每一次点赞、评论和分享,...