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من أجل أحلى الأحلام

كل طفل يحمل أملا جديدا إلى العالم. كل طفل ثمين وفريد، مليء بالإمكانات وقادر على أن يصبح أي شيء يحلم به.

منذ عام ٢٠١٣، التزمت اي ويبي بتغيير مشهد رعاية الأطفال، وإعادة تعريف التميز في أساسيات الأطفال لتوفير أفضل 

بداية ممكنة لحياة صغيرك، ساعية لدعم الأمل والوعود التي يحملها كل طفل.
”I will be (سأكون)."

i will be… happy

We nurture dreams and giggles

Babies enter the world with colorful dreams, eager to learn and ready to follow their imaginations wherever they lead. We’re here to help.

i will be… safe

We support a parent’s vow of love

From the moment our little ones take their first wobbly steps, parents make a silent promise to protect their health and happiness. We make sure they’re not going it alone.

We join you on the Dream Journey


Create a better world for babies

We understand babies. We take a professional approach to identifying their needs and develop the safest and coziest products to guard their dreams for the future.

Be the first and best choice

We also understand parents, so we craft products with “heartfelt parenting” in mind. More than a brand, we aim to be the part of the family, a trusted friend to parents nurturing babies and their dreams.  

Sow the seeds of a greener, gigglier future

We nurture the planet for future generations. Our commitment to sustainability includes natural materials, recyclable packaging, and biodegradable options, ensuring baby's safety while protecting our environment now and in the future.

I was initially puzzled when I saw the two yellow lines on AIWIBI's diapers—I thought something had stuck to them! It wasn't until I asked the retailer that I learned they were wetness indicators, designed to remind parents when it’s time for a change. The retailer told me that among all the brands he carries, only Aiwibi features this thoughtful design

--A mother in West Africa 

Dreams in Action

Aiwibi takes social responsibility seriously and has been being devoted to creating a better environment for babies around the world.

Aiwibi Leads the Way in Charity Event for Cervical Insufficiency: Delivering Support and Hope

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Aiwibi Honored with Parents' Picks Awards 2024

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Aiwibi Rallies for Mauritius:
Diapers for Disaster Relief

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