Air Soft婴儿纸尿裤

PlantPower Absorbent Core™

MicroAiry™ Film Super Breathable

0% Fragrance, Lotions And Extracts
我们的 SilkySoft Fabric™ 采用 1.2D 纤维制成,比人的头发细十倍,触感如羽毛般柔软丝滑,带来极致舒适。
独有的微孔空气薄膜™设计有数十亿个超细微孔。这种透气的 PE 薄膜允许空气自由流动,同时防止水通过,使透气性提高 50%。
100% 优质天然纤维
我们的纸尿裤采用 100% 优质天然纤维制成,为宝宝娇嫩的肌肤提供最好的护理。超低返湿性,告别刺激。
PlantPower 吸水芯™
我们的 PlantPower 吸水芯™ 采用 FSC 认证的天然木浆,环保吸收,可快速分散液体,具有出色的吸收性,同时对皮肤温和。
我们的防漏保护具有 45 毫米加高双重屏障和腿袖口折叠设计,可提供卓越的侧漏保护。
长达 12 小时的保护
只需 1 片纸尿裤即可享受长达 12 小时的整夜保护。它最多可吸收 1200 毫升液体,让您的宝宝整晚保持干爽和舒适。
这款魔术贴由 3M 的防水材料制成,具有数千个蘑菇形钩子,可牢固地抓住前腰带,承受高达 45N 的拉力以防止掉落。
9 孔珍珠图案顶层
9 孔珍珠图案使透气性提高 35%,增强气流并减少摩擦,同时加速液体渗透,加快吸收速度,同时温和地保护宝宝娇嫩的皮肤。
Size Range
我们的优质尿布有 N - XXL(1-7)尺码。
- Newborn (1)< 5千克
- S(2)4 - 8千克
- M(3)6 - 11千克
- L(4)9 - 14千克
- XL(5) 12 - 17千克
- XXL(6) 15 - 21千克
- XXXL(7)≥18千克
Age(Months) | Baby Weight (KG) | Waist (cm) | Size | Daily Usage (Pcs) |
0-1 | <5 | 33-45 | NB (1) | 10-12 |
1-3 | 4-8 | 34-52 | S (2) | 8-10 |
6-10 | 9-14 | 36-56 | L (4) | 8-10 |
11-15 | 12-17 | 37-57 | XL (5) | 6-8 |
15-24 | >15 | 38-58 | XXL (6) | 6-8 |
>24 | Toddler | 41-69 | XXXL (7) | 5-6 |
1. Aiwibi Diaper Storage Tips
① Store diapers in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
② If the packaging is damaged, contact our customer service immediately for a replacement.
③ Once opened, use the diapers as soon as possible to keep them in optimal condition. Because Aiwibi super power absorbent core can absorb moisture from the air, so long exposure to humidity may reduce its absorption performance.
2. When should you switch to a bigger size?
① If the diaper feels too tight around the thighs and waist, or you notice red marks.
② When the waistband stickers are being fastened near or at the outermost position.
③ If the diaper seems too short in the crotch area or sits below your baby’s belly button.
④ When your baby’s pee or poop output increases, leading to more frequent leaks.
⑤ If your baby’s weight exceeds the recommended range for their current diaper size.
3. When is the right time to switch from taped diapers to pull-up pants?
When your baby starts moving around more and doesn’t like lying down for diaper changes, or when they begin standing up on their own, it’s a good time to switch to pull-up pants! They’re super convenient—just pull them on like underwear and tear them off when needed. Perfect for active little ones on the move!
ltem No | Size | Length | Width | Weight±2.0g |
03A-02 | S | 400mm | 320mm | 23.16g |
03A-03 | M | 450mm | 320mm | 26.7g |
03A-04 | L | 500mm | 320mm | 32.61g |
03A-05 | XL | 530mm | 340mm | 36.09g |
03A-06 | XXL | 550mm | 340mm | 40.1g |
How can I prevent leaks when using diapers?
- 尿布包装上的重量范围仅供参考。如果尿布太大,可能会导致漏尿。例如,尿布可能紧贴宝宝的大腿,但如果裆部有缝隙,尿液就无法快速吸收。
- 确保防漏边缘没有向内折叠。如果您使用的是粘贴型尿布,请确保腰带对称,不要太紧或太松。合适的尺寸应在尿布和宝宝的肚子之间留出一根手指的空间。
- 尿布满了的时候需要及时更换,否则可能会发生漏尿的情况。
Will my baby get diaper rash or have an allergic reaction?
- To prevent diaper rash, change your baby's diaper frequently. It's recommended not to leave the same diaper on for more than 2-6 hours.
- Clean your baby's bottom with warm water or wipes to remove any residue.
- Let the skin dry completely before putting on a new diaper.
Why does the outside of the diaper feel damp, even though my baby's clothes aren't wet?
The outer layer of the diaper is made from breathable non-woven fabric. It locks in moisture while allowing heat and humidity to escape. The dampness you feel is likely due to the release of warm air, which might also carry a slight smell from your baby's pee or poop. This design helps keep your baby's bottom dry and comfortable by reducing stuffiness.
Why does the diaper have a smell?
- Aiwibi diapers are certified by the German Dermatological Institute Dermatest, ensuring they are gentle on your baby's skin. We do not add any fragrances, extracts, dyes, or other harsh chemicals, making the diapers odorless and hypoallergenic.
- Some of the raw materials might have a mild natural smell. If you're sensitive to smells, you can air the diapers out before use.
- Diapers can also absorb odors from their surroundings, so be sure to store them in a cool, dry place away from anything with a strong scent.
Are Aiwibi diapers “organic”?
Aiwibi diapers are made using high-quality wood pulp derived from nature. This pulp comes from sustainably managed forests, so while we use natural resources, we also prioritize environmental protection and sustainability. Through fine processing, we maintain the natural absorbency and softness of the material to provide your baby with a comfortable wearing experience while reducing irritation to their sensitive skin.
How often should I change my baby's diaper at night?
It depends on how often your baby pees and the quality of the diaper you're using. You should choose diapers with strong absorbency and good moisture-locking abilities. When your baby wakes up during the night, you can feel the diaper—if it's puffed up, it's time for a change. Unfortunately, that means you or your partner will need to wake up to do the diaper duty!
What should I keep in mind when changing diapers? Is there a difference between boys and girls?
Always wash your hands with soap and water before changing your baby to avoid spreading bacteria. Clean your baby's bottom with warm water and mild soap, and gently pat dry. When wiping, be careful not to rub too hard, as this can irritate their sensitive skin and cause diaper rash. In winter, try to keep the diaper change quick to avoid your baby getting cold.
As for the difference between boys and girls, traditionally, the absorbent core in boy's diapers is placed more towards the front, and for girls, it's placed more towards the back. However, Aiwibi diapers are designed to work well for both boys and girls thanks to our product adjustments during development.
What causes diaper rash?
There are two main reasons:
- Some babies have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies, which can cause skin reactions when wearing diapers. This can lead to redness or swelling around the diaper area.
- Diaper rash (also known as diaper dermatitis) can also be caused by inflammation. Babies' skin is very delicate, and if diapers become damp or are exposed to bacteria, it's easy for diaper rash to develop. It's important to change diapers frequently and thoroughly clean the baby's bottom after each bowel movement to prevent this.
Whether opened or unopened, diapers should be stored in a clean, dry place, away from direct sunlight to avoid moisture and contamination. Keep opened diapers away from areas with high temperatures or strong odors, as this can cause them to lose their shape or pick up unwanted smells. It's best to use opened diapers within 2-3 months. If you live in a humid environment, try to use them within a month to avoid bacterial growth.
Should I stop using diapers if my baby gets diaper rash?
It depends on how severe the rash is. For mild cases, you can continue using diapers but should take these steps:
- Change diapers frequently.
- Use a diaper rash cream or powder to keep the area dry.
- Boost your baby's immune system by ensuring they get enough nutrients.
- If the rash is severe, stop using diapers and consult a doctor immediately.