On the occasion of the New Year 2024, Aiwibi Dominican Republic, in collaboration with the renowned supermarket Jerez Gran Abasto, organized a heartwarming charity event at Hospital Robert Reid Cabral in Santo Domingo. This initiative aimed to alleviate the burden on 100 families facing challenging circumstances by providing essential supplies such as diapers, wipes, and other necessities. Our team visited the hospitalized children, bringing them joy and comfort during their stay. 

This event was more than just a donation; it was a testament to our dedication to fostering a brighter future for children. By partnering with Jerez Gran Abasto, we were able to reach a wider audience and make a significant impact on the lives of these families. 

With Aiwibi, we believe that every child's dreams deserve to be nurtured. Through our commitment to quality products and meaningful community initiatives, we strive to create a world where every baby can thrive. With Aiwibi, with colorful dreams.